Club News

East Anglian winners go forward to Toastmasters International speaking contests in Ireland

Top speakers from Toastmasters International clubs throughout East Anglia competed for the titles of best speaker, and best evaluator, at the Division G Spring Conference at Great Barton Village Hall, Bury St Edmunds, on 20th April 2024. The winners go forward to the District 71 England, Scotland and Ireland conference at Portlaoise, Ireland, on 10th […]

Club News Contest News

International Speech & Evaluation Contest 2024, the why and the winners.

Toastmasters Contests are one of the most popular aspects of club membership. Members who place first, and second in the International Speech and Evaluation Contest go through to the next round, at area level. The International Speech Contest is arguably the biggest contest in Toastmasters. The winner is decided each year at the Toastmasters International […]

Club News

Guest evening – Thursday 25th January 2024

We will be holding a guest night on Thursday, 25th January. If you would like to join us for the evening to get a taste of what happens at a Toastmasters meeting, we would love to see you. Participation is NOT mandatory!

Club News

Success at the Area 1 contest

Last night the area-level contest for Table Topics and Humorous Speeches was held in Martlesham. Ipswich Electrfiers did pretty well! The night was excellently hosted by the Martlesham SpeakEasy Toastmasters club. The competitors were speakers who won contests at their ‘home clubs’, including Chelmsford Speakers Club, Martlesham Speakeasy and our very own Ipswich Electrifiers Speakers […]

Contest News

Area competition annouced (updated)

The Division G, Area 1 Table Topics and Humourous Speech Contest will be held on Saturday 11th November 2023. The event will be from 10am to 5pm and will be hosted by Speak Easy at Martlesham. We would like to wish the best of luck to everyone who is competing, especially to our fellow Ipswich […]

Club News

Competition night results

Last night was one of our annual competition nights and (as usual), the night was very entertaining and a little but educational. There were two flavours to the competitions last night, the first being the humourous speech category, and the second being a table topics competition. Humourous speech contest We started the evening with the […]

Club News

Hybrid meetings news

We held our AGM on Thursday, and in addition to nominating and voting for our committee members, we also held votes on some other club issues. After a very in-depth discussion about the pros and cons of running our meetings in-person and on Zoom, as a ‘hybrid meeting’ we voted to stop using Zoom for […]


Why Toastmasters is a leadership development secret weapon

Some say leaders are born, and some say they are made, but what is definitely true is that every leader can become even better. So, if you are looking to unlock your true potential with professional development and key leadership skills, then look no further than Toastmasters. Toastmasters is the ideal organization for honing the […]


Simple ways to gently build your confidence

Confidence: We all want it, but sometimes it can be hard to find. If you’re looking for simple ways to gently build your confidence, then this blog is for you! A lot of conversations around joining Toastmasters focus on public speaking, but for many of our members, Toastmasters is more about building confidence than it […]


Speaking with confidence

Do you feel like you’re not confident enough when speaking in public? Do you fear that you might say something wrong, or that people will judge you? When you open your mouth do you worry that you’re not speaking with confidence? If so, don’t worry – you’re not alone. Many people feel this way, and […]

Club News

Where can Toastmasters take you? A panel discussion.

Ipswich Electrifiers members join for a wide variety of reasons, and each member’s Toastmasters journey takes them somewhere new, and often to unexpected places. In a panel discussion during our meeting on the 13th January 2022 Ipswich Electrifiers member Julie Kenny will be hosting a session with guests who have arrived at some very interesting […]

Club News

All that glisters is not gold … it’s Lego!

A study has shown that the world’s most popular toy has outperformed other assets including gold, reports The Times. Secondhand Lego sets rose in value by an average of 11% a year between 1987 and 2015. Certainly, guests at Rob Southin’s wedding thought that Rob’s Lego cake outperformed any they’d ever seen. In a speech […]

Public Speaking

Public speaking! Love it or loathe it?

Business people in Suffolk are a confident bunch! When Ipswich Electrifiers Speakers’ Club ran a survey from our stand at the recent Anglia Business Exhibition (ABE), we found that over 70% of respondents loved speaking in public. And although a quarter of those surveyed considered going to the dentist less scary than speaking in public, […]

Public Speaking

What’s stopping you improving your speaking skills?

Ipswich Electrifiers are running a survey at the Anglia Business Exhibition on 7th September 2021 at Trinity Park, Ipswich, into what people think about speaking in public. Is it something you enjoy, or is it time to address the elephant in the room and brush up on body language, learn how to listen, and communicate […]

Club News

A summer party to remember

Joining Toastmasters is a great way of developing our speaking skills and nurturing confidence in many areas of our lives. The friendly, relaxed atmosphere of Ipswich Electrifers also offers members a natural opportunity to make new friends. On Sunday 18th July 2021 we held our summer awards party, which was a chance to combine Toastmasters […]

Public Speaking

Top tips for online presentations

What’s the key to effective presentations online? Ipswich Electrifiers has launched a series of helpful videos.

Club News

Hall of Fame

We like to support our members in whatever they are do, not just in their Toastmasters journey. So congratulations to these Electrifiers who have been lighting up their worlds! Never too old to start afresh Congratulations to long-standing Electrifiers’ member Christopher Brown, who has taken the first step on the Pathways programme by completing his […]

Club News

Unexpected new benefits from tackling the COVID challenge.

When the club couldn’t meet in person we moved online. Read about our experiences.

Public Speaking

My advice to Harold Wilson et al

The oldest member of Ipswich Electrifiers, Norman Sanders, 90, has just published his latest book. Appropriately named My Computing Life, this riveting read reveals Norman’s part in the international development of computers, and the advice he dispensed to world leaders along the way.

Club News

Party time!

The club celebrated its 25th anniversary in 2020