Club News

Success at the Area 1 contest

Last night the area-level contest for Table Topics and Humorous Speeches was held in Martlesham. Ipswich Electrfiers did pretty well!

The night was excellently hosted by the Martlesham SpeakEasy Toastmasters club. The competitors were speakers who won contests at their ‘home clubs’, including Chelmsford Speakers Club, Martlesham Speakeasy and our very own Ipswich Electrifiers Speakers Club.

The quality of all the speeches was exceptionally high. Holding the Table Topics and Humourous speech contests on the same evening creates a lighthearted atmosphere that is a lot of fun to be a part of. Speakers get an opportunity to speak to a larger number of people than at club level, and the audience gets a free evening of brilliant entertainment!

A group of people holding certificates as a symbol of their success in the Area 1 contest, standing proudly in front of a sign.
From left to right, Phil Mcsweeny, Rob Southin, Andrew Laws, Karen Bellemy and Area Director Venkatesh Gopalakrishnan

Area 1 Competition Results

Table Topics Contest

  • 1st place – Andrew Laws, Ipswich Electrifiers Speakers Club
  • 2nd place – Kalpana Ramesh, Chelmsford Speakers Club
  • 3rd place – Karen Bellemy, Ipswich Electrifiers Speakers Club

Humorous speeches contest

  • 1st place – Phil Mcsweeny, Ipswich Electrifiers Speakers Club
  • 2nd place – Rob Southin, Ipswich Electrifiers Speakers Club

A lot of work goes into a competition night, from the organisers, the judges and the contestants, and last night was an excellent example of what can be achieved by becoming a member of Toastmasters.

Congratulations to everyone who was involved!

Last Updated on November 10, 2023