Julie Kenny, of Ipswich Electrifiers Speakers’ Club, has been awarded Toastmasters International’s highest accolade, the Distinguished Toastmaster (DTM).
Follow our Instagram alphabet!
A is for Ah Counter, B is for Biscuits, C is for …
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Super speaker Shelbourne
Member Cathy Shelbourne wins the Division G Table Topics contest
Ipswich Electrifiers turns 25!
🥂 Community With the technology boom, communicating effectively across a variety of channels is an ever-growing demand. As the place to go for expertise in leadership and public speaking, we occasionally offer workshops to the community. Sign up for email updates or attend a meeting. 🥳 Members It is a great opportunity to celebrate achievements […]
Ding dong!
#spotaspire challenge
Aspire Area Conference!
The Aspire Area One Conference and Contests
A year in pictures
Spring Contests 2019
Update from the spring contest
Read the testimonials
Meet member Fiona Watt
“I joined on the spot. I haven’t regretted it at all, it’s been brilliant.”
Club VP Education, Fiona Watt, speaks about her experiences
Meet member John Reynard
Find out more about our members and their experience of Ipswich Electrifiers.
A youthful 70, John joined Ipswich Electrifiers two years ago. Over his career he’s had several successful businesses and now shares his expertise with others as a business coach. I asked him about his experience with the club and his plans for the future
Contests are not just for the competitive member, read about the many reasons for every member to get involved.
Forthcoming Meetings
See our the full list of forthcoming meetings, contests and special events coming up.
Suffolk Day Speak-Out
21st June meeting is our Suffolk Day Speak-Out
Wedding Fayre June 10th
Helping you deliver your wedding speech
It was a ten minute speech about me…
It was a ten-minute speech about me, how hard can that be? As it turns out it was pretty hard and I struggled.. But this speech was important.
Club Videos
Watch our videos to find out more about us
Success in getting the dream job
One members move from self-employed to employed with the help of Toastmasters International
The International Speech and Evaluation Contest – Saturday 8th April.
Welcome to Speechcraft
Ipswich Electrifiers Speakers’ Club are holding a four session speechcraft course. Starting 20th October for 4 Weeks 18:00 – 20:30 An introduction to public speaking and presentation skills in a friendly and supportive environment. The four-week program offers the opportunity for participants to develop speeches, pick a subject, organise a speech and gain an understanding […]