What makes a great speaker? We asked visitors to the Ipswich Electrifiers Speakers’ Club stand at the Anglia Business Exhbition #ABE16 on 15th June at Trinity Park to select one of the displayed public speakers – and identify the main characteristic of a powerful communicator. Most popular speaker was Barack Obama, who was praised for his confidence and coolness.
Club members were out in force at the Exhibition, discussing with visitors and other stand holders the importance of communications skills, inside and outside the workplace. As well as the opportunity to practice speaking and listening skills at the regular meetings, Ipswich Electrifers also offer a Speechcraft course to businesses, working with staff to build up communication and leadership on a weekly basis.
If you’d like to know more, contact us here, or come along to a meeting on Thursday fortnights at the Chamber of Commerce at Felaw Maltings. Visitors are always very welcome.
Last Updated on August 22, 2023