Public Speaking

When doing nothing pays dividends

At the Ipswich Electrifiers Speakers’ Club, doing nothing can be the best course of action. Electrifying member Keith Herod explained how he’d started off spending a few minutes a day as a child doing nothing, and by the time he was very grown-up, his nothingness had extended to a few hours a day, and he was an expert.

He was also pretty good at keeping the audience entertained. His insight into his world mightily impressed the judges of the Humorous Speech Contest, gaining him first place, and a trip to the Area Contest on 28th September.

By contrast, the world according to Cathy Shelbourne, the winner of the Table Topics Contest, was driven by money. Her impromptu speech, on the theme of My Ideal World, envisaged a place where money really did grow on trees, ripe for the plucking thereof.

Rogues gallery Sep 2013

Great speeches from Anthony, Norman, Christopher, Keith, Adrian, Cathy and Julie

Congratulations to all the contestants for an excellent evening’s entertainment, and well done to Raj, the Contest Chair for holding it all together!

Last Updated on August 19, 2023