Public Speaking

Top tips for online presentations

What’s the key to effective presentations online? Ipswich Electrifiers has launched a series of helpful videos.

What’s the key to effective presentations online? Ipswich Electrifiers has launched a series of videos in which members demonstrate their top tips.

Firstly, ensure that you are sitting comfortably in the middle of the screen. Place a hand horizontally on top of your head to fix your position.

If using props, hold them up to the camera for a few seconds – and keep them still!

Make eye contact with your audience by looking long and deep into your camera. Difficult, but here’s a suggestion to help you.

Manage your light source effectively – by being aware of where your light is coming from, and what its impact is on you.

Be part of your background, not apart from it. Learn how to use Zoom’s virtual background facility.

And finally, be enthusiastic! Make sure your audience is as interested in your speech as you are!

These tips were recorded at Ipswich Electrifiers’ Guest Evening in January 2021. Guests are welcome at all our meetings – we meet all year round – and especially at our Guest Evenings. Date of the next one to be announced.

Follow the whole series at #TopTipsTuesday

Last Updated on August 19, 2023