Joining Toastmasters is a great way of developing our speaking skills and nurturing confidence in many areas of our lives. The friendly, relaxed atmosphere of Ipswich Electrifers also offers members a natural opportunity to make new friends.

On Sunday 18th July 2021 we held our summer awards party, which was a chance to combine Toastmasters ‘business’ and catching up with friends old and new. Our club meetings have been exclusively online for the last eighteen months, including our 25th birthday party, so a socially distanced get-together was long overdue.
Members new and old mingled with guests and family members, while awards were handed out and several of our fellow Toastmasters entertained us with music and poetry.
Ipswich Electrifiers member Sonia Isaac was awarded the prestigious ‘Triple Crown’ pin in recognition of achieving three education awards in a single year. We also celebrated member Julie Kenny receiving her Distinguished Toastmaster (DTM) award, which is the highest level of educational achievement in Toastmasters.
We enjoyed a lively round of open-air ‘table topics’. Members celebrated the recent easing of lockdown restrictions by using their allotted two minutes to talk on the subject of world travel. As is always the case with table topics, we all learned a little more about our fellow Toastmasters, and shared some lighthearted laughter and chatter.
The awards section of the afternoon celebrated the achievements of members and recognised the valuable contributions our fellow Toastmasters have made to Ipswich Electrifers.
Continuing group meetings during the pandemic via Zoom has been invaluable, but being able to meet in person was a wonderful reminder of how much we enjoy the genial social aspect of Toastmasters membership.
We would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to everyone involved in organising the party. The work of everyone involved helped the event run smoothly and ensured everyone had a great time. As the heat of the day subsided and gazebos and barbecues were packed away, everyone left with a smile on their face.

Awards List
Education awards
Level 1
Andrew Halligan
Deloris Clarke
Julie Kenny (Presentation Mastery)
Sonia Isaac
Elizabeth Whitehead
Level 2
Sonia Isaac
Stefan Radu
Level 3
Sonia Isaac
Fiona Watt
Julie Kenny (Leadership Development)
Triple Crown
Sonia Isaac
Ice-breaker – 1st ever
Andrew Laws
Graeme Double
Ice-breaker – 1st on pathways
Adrian Day
Christopher Brown
Rob Byrne
Ice-breaker – for 2nd path
Julie Kenny
Andrew Nunn
Contest trophies
Table Topics
Andrew Halligan
Humorous speech
Sam Brook
International speech
Adrian Day
Christopher Brown
Other awards and recognitions
Club mentors
Recognition of mentors
Cathy Shellbourne
Adrian Day
Julie Kenny
Club supporters
Joined in lockdown
Andrew Laws
Graeme Double
Rob Byrne
Brought people to the club, Social media videos and Radio promotion
Samantha Brook
Cathy Shellbourne
Andrew Laws
Andrew Halligan
Norman Sanders
Outstanding member award
Sonia Isaac
President’s award
Cathy Shelbourne
Members’ member award
Julie Kenny
Officer handover
Recognition of service – 2020 to 2021
Julie Kenny
Fiona Watt
Andrew Halligan
Sonia Isaac
Cathy Shelbourne
Adrian Day
Stefan Radu
New committee welcome for 2021 to 2022
Cathy Shelbourne
Fiona Watt
Andrew Laws
Adrian Day
Andrew Halligan
Deloris Clarke
Stefan Radu
Christopher Brown
New president
Cathy Shelbourne
Last Updated on August 22, 2023